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TAMWA is a national level Non-Governmental Organization known as Tanzania Media Women’s Association formed in 1987. TAMWA Zanzibar became fully self-governing and operational in both Isles of Unguja and Pemba since 2004. In January 2007, it attained its own separate registration.

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Wadau wa habari wakutana na Tume ya Kurekebisha Sheria Zanzibar/Media stakeholders meet with Members of the Zanzibar Law Reform Commission

Wadau wa habari wakutana na Tume ya Kurekebisha Sheria Zanzibar/Media stakeholders meet with Members of the Zanzibar Law Reform Commission

Wadau wa habari wakutana na Tume ya Kurekebisha Sheria Zanzibar

Mkurugenzi wa Chama cha Waandishi wa Habari Tanzania (TAMWA ZNZ) Dkt. Mzuri Issa amesema kuwa ni muhimu kuwa na sheria nzuri za habari ambazo zinapelekea kuwepo kwa uhuru wa habari na uhuru wa kujieleza kwa jamii.

Amesema hayo wakati wa mkutano wa kutoa mapendekezo ya marekebisho ya sheria ya tume ya utangazaji ya Zanzibar (No. 7, 1997), ambao uliwashirikisha kamati ya masuala ya habari (ZAMECO), asasi za kiraia na tume ya kurekebisha ya sheria uliofanyika katika ukumbi wa mikutano wa ofisi ya mtakwimu mkuu wa serikali Mazizini Zanzibar.

Dkt.  Mzuri aliongeza  kuwa ipo haja ya kufanyiwa marekesbiso sheria hiyo ili kutoa fursa ya uhuru wa kujieleza ambao ndio chanzo kikuu cha maendeleo ya nchi.

“ Uhuru wa habari na haki ya kupata habari pamoja na uhuru wa kujieleza ni mambo ya msingi katika maendeleo ya nchi na inaleta hata furaha ya mtu binafsi”, amesisitiza Dkt. Mzuri Issa, katika mkutano huo wa siku moja ulioangaliwa na ZAMECO kufuatia hatua ya Tume ya Mabadiliko ya Sheria kuipitia sheria hiyo.

Kwa upande wake,  Mwenyekiti wa tume ya kurekebisha sheria Zanzibar, Ndugu  Khadija Shamte amesema kuwa muda umefika sasa kuwa na sheria zinazokwenda na wakati na tume iko tayari kushirikiana na wadau kwenye kupokea maoni ya kurekebisha sheria ili kutoa fursa kwa vyombo vya habari kukua na kuwa na ushindani katika kusambaza taarifa.

“Tunahitaji kushirikiana kwa pamoja na mwisho kupata sheria bora na nzuri ambayo italeta mabadiliko katika tasnia ya habari Zanzibar”, Khadija Shamte, M/kiti Tume ya Kurekebisha Sheria.

Wakizungumza katika mkutano wadau wa habari Zanzibar wamesisitiza tume kuifanyia  kazi mapendekezo yote yaliyotolewwa na hatimaye kupatikana kwa sheria yenye kukidhi vigezo na inayoikwenda na wakati.

Mwenyekiti wa Klabu ya Waandishi wa Habari Zanzibar (ZPC), Abdullah Mfaume amesema mapendekezo ya sheria ya habari inarahisisha upatikanaji wa habari katika ukusanyaji, usambazaji wa taarifa kwa waandishi wa habari na itakuwa tija na maslahi kwa jamii.

Ameiomba Tume ya Mabadiliko ya Sheria pamoja na watendaji wengine kuitumia ZAMECO katika kujadili sheria zozote zinazohusiana na masuala ya uandishi wa habari ili kupata taarifa zaidi kuhusiana na hali halisi na masuala mbali mbali yanayoathiri sekta hiyo.



Media stakeholders meet with Members of the Zanzibar Law Reform Commission

Director of the Tanzania Media Association (TAMWA ZNZ), Dr. Mzuri Issa said it is important to adopt friendly media laws in Zanzibar that lead to the existence of freedom of expression and access to information in the society.

She said that in meeting is during a meeting held at Takwimu House hall, Mazizini Zanzibar aimed at proposing amendments to the law of the Broadcasting Act No.7 of 1997 involving members of Zanzibar Media Committee (ZAMECO), loose network entailing media based organizations and diverse media experts.

Dr. Mzuri added that there is a need to amend the law thus provide opportunity for freedom of expression which is the main source of the country’s development.

“Freedom of information and the right to access information as well as freedom of expression are fundamental factors in the development of the country and it even brings individual happiness”, said Dr. Mzuri Issa, in the meeting which was requested by ZAMECO which is currently reviewed by Zanzibar Law Review Commission.

On her part, the Chairperson of the Zanzibar Law Reform Commission, Ms. Khadija Shamte, said that the time has come to have laws that go with times and the commission is ready to cooperate with stakeholders to that end.

“We need to work together to get friendly media laws that will bring change in the media industry in Zanzibar”, said Ms. Khadija Shamte, Chairperson of the Zanzibar Law Review Commission.

Speaking at the stakeholders meeting, Zanzibar stakeholders have urged the commission to incorporate the recommendations in its report and finally get a law that meets the required criteria.

Chairperson of Zanzibar Press Club (ZPC), Mr. Abdullah Mfaume said proposed new broadcasting law will facilitate and smoothen ways to collect, distribute information by journalists through different media channels for the benefit and interest of the society. 

He requested the Zanzibar Law Review Commission and other key actors in the government sphere to leverage the existing of ZAMECO in reviewing laws that deal with media regulations for better insight of the context and issues.

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A national level Non-Governmental Organization known as Tanzania Media Women’s Association formed in 1987.The registration number is 493 under Zanzibar Society Act No. 6 of 1995

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