Zanzibar Female Lawyers Association (ZAFELA) and Tanzania Media Women’s Association, Zanzibar (TAMWA ZNZ) commend for job-well done by the Police Force by arresting a murder suspect of Khairat Juma Bakari who was brutally killed in May, this year.
Last week, the Police Force in Zanzibar announced that Yussuf Ame Abubakar was apprehended for the alleged murder of Khairat Bakar that took place in Mbuzini, West A District.
ZAFELA and TAMWA-ZNZ would like to thank the Police Force for this important step and continue to request the Police to hasten the investigation of the murder of another woman deceased, late Laura Msemwa that took place on the same dates so that the suspect can be found and brought to justice to pay for the crimes.
Additionally, ZAFELA and TAMWA ZNZ call for the next level of the law enforcement agencies in the country to accelerate investigation hence sentencing the suspects so that it becomes a lesson for other criminals who have evil intentions to commit cruel acts against women and children and society in general.
TAMWA ZNZ and ZAFELA call on the community to continue offering their maximum cooperation to the Police Force in searching for various suspects of criminal cases so that it is easy to find the suspects of those cases and ultimately to reduce or end criminal incidents in the islands of Zanzibar.
We call for the Police Force to continue with this culture of providing feedback, step by step reached in the investigation of various crimes which will help to increase faith and trust in the Police Force and eventually book criminals.
Issued by ZAFELA and TAMWA ZNZ.
Jamila Mahmoud Dr. Mzuri Issa
Director Director