Title: End-line Evaluation survey Consultant
Project name: Strengthening Women in Leadership (SWIL)
Assignment Period: 30 days
Expected Start Date: As soon as Possible
1.1 Background
Tanzania Media Women’s Association is a national level Non-Governmental formed in 1987 dedicated to promote the rights of women and children. TAMWA Zanzibar became fully fledged office in Unguja and Pemba since 2004 and registered in 2007.
TAMWA-Zanzibar has implemented a four-year ‘Strengthening Women in Leadership’ (SWIL) project starting from 2020 to 2023 with an objective of increasing participation of women in democratic processes and leadership at all levels of the society so that women will be regarded as active and vibrant actors in leadership processes. The project was undertaken in all eleven districts of Zanzibar, seven districts in Unguja and four districts in Pemba: namely Urban, West A, West B, Central, South, North A and North B districts in Unguja Island; and Wete, Micheweni, Mkoani and Chakechake districts in Pemba Island. The project was implemented under the partnership between TAMWA Zanzibar, ZAFELA (in Unguja), and PEGAO (in Pemba) and received support from Royal Norwegian Embassy.
Expected Results
- Impact: Women regarded as active and vibrant actors in democratic processes.
- Outcome: Increased demand for democratic and political rights by women in Zanzibar.
- Output 1.1: Improved the capacity of 6000 women from national and local CSOs on their civic rights.
- Output 1.2: Engaged at least 400 key actors[1] in the promotion of women’s democratic and political rights
- Output 1.3: Strengthened the capacity of 60 journalists on writing more analytical and solution-based stories on women’s democratic and political rights
- Output 1.4: Strengthened M&E system to facilitate tracking of women leadership and political rights
1.2 The scope of Survey
TAMWA Zanzibar is currently seeking the skilled, committed and experienced individual to work as a consultant to provide technical, organizational and coordination support to conduct an ‘End-line evaluation survey to the SWIL project in order to assess the existing of women engagement in leadership and democratic process from the grass root level of decision making to the national level. The end-line evaluation study is intended to assess and provide detailed information on key indicators in project target communities in the course of the project lifetime.
The data collected is expected to be both qualitative and quantitative reflecting impact and outcome levels of hierarchy on one hand and on knowledge, attitudes and practices in the area of women leadership and political participation.
1.3 Consultancy Roles:
- Desk review the situation of women engagement in leadership and political process in Zanzibar from the grass root to the National level.
- Read the existing documents relevant to the topic at local, national and regional level which include; gender equality, good governance and Decentralization by Devolution.
- Prepare methodology of the work preferably triangulation based (key informant interviews (KIIs), stakeholder consultations, Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and structured questionnaires) and share with TAMWA, ZNZ management.
- Capacity assesses TAMWA, Zanzibar and their partner’s on how they are working to promotion of women’s democratic and political rights.
- Examine the relationship among Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in addressing women’s participation in leadership and political process.
- Assess overall implementation of SWIL project vs planned activities.
- Assess effectiveness of SWIL project in utilization of resources.
- Explore SWIL project’s contribution to the overall organizational growth in terms of human resources, governance, ICTs, etc.
- Assess the capacity of women from national and local CSOs on their civic rights.
- Assess the actions taken by individual women toward promoting leadership right
- Assess the actions taken by women collectively in addressing their rights
- Assess how the media play a great role to increase positive portrayal of women in leadership and political participation
- Assess the setting and accessibility of local and national institutions in responding to women needs
- Work with the assistant Consultant and Monitoring and Evaluation Officer to reach the envisioned goal
- Participate in the planning meeting, orientation of the data collectors, management meeting before & after submission of the first draft and validation meeting.
1.4 Tentative program of the Consultant
The consultant is expected to develop and share to TAMWA-ZNZ management team a detailed work plan of his/her service for approval before the start of the execution of the assignment.
1.5 Frame
The consultant is expected to complete the task within 30 days between January and February 2024.
1.6 Qualification Requirements
· The consultant should have more than 5 years working experiences in Monitoring and Evaluation particularly on gender, media and social science.
· Proven competency (record of previous experiences) in project/program evaluations, including formative program evaluations.
- The consultant should be conversant with geographical, social context and political context of Zanzibar
- A good understanding of women’s rights in leadership and political participation
- Proven experience in working with conceptual frameworks and data collection methods (including age appropriate data collection methods)
- Strong analytical and conceptual skills
- Excellent written communication skills
- Expected Deliverables
- SWIL end-line evaluation proposal with budget
- Detailed work plan of the whole end-line evaluation for SWIL project.
- Enumerators report with all expected data collection tools enclosed as attachments.
- End-line Preliminary findings report to be presented to TAMWA-ZNZ Management team for reviews and comments.
- Final SWIL End-line Evaluation report
- How to apply
If you think you are qualified for this position, please send your electronic application letter and CV in pdf format not later than 15th January 2024 via info@tamwaznz.org and copy to the following e-mail addresses: abdul@tamwaznz.org AND tatu@tamwaznz.org
Application letter should address:
TAMWA Zanzibar
P.O. Box 741
Submit your application physically to the TAMWA-ZNZ Office situated at Tunguu behind State University of Zanzibar main campus.
[1] Ministerial Development Agencies (MDAs) such as Zanzibar Electoral Commission (ZEC) and political parties