Ikiwa dunia inahitimisha siku 16 za kupinga ukatili wa kijinsia kwa kumalizia na maadhimisho ya haki za binadamu, Chama cha Waandishi wa Habari Wanawake Tanzania, Zanzibar (TAMWA ZNZ) kinaiomba Serikali, asasi za kiraia na wadau wote kuimarisha uhuru wa habari na kufikiwa kwa taarifa.
Siku ya haki za binadamu ambayo ujumbe wa mwaka huu ni “Uhuru, Usawa na Haki kwa Wote” ambao unatoa nafasi tena kwa mataifa kujipima kiwango chake cha kutekeleza uhuru huo na hivyo kuweka mikakati kwa mwakani ili kuimarisha zaidi.
Hivyo, pamoja na mambo mengine uhuru wa habari una umuhimu wa pekee ambao ndio utaifanya jamii kuelewa masuala mbali mbali yanayoikabili jamii na kushiriki kikamilifu katika kuleta suluhisho.
Kwa muda mrefu sasa, waandishi wa habari wamekuwa wakihimiza mabadiliko ya sheria za habari ambazo zimepitwa na wakati hasa Sheria ya Magazeti Na. 5, 1988 iliyofanyiwa marekebisho 1997 na sheria ya Utangazaji Na 7, 1997 iliyofanyiwa marekebisho 2010.
Sheria hizo zikifanyiwa marekebisho vizuri ikiwemo ya kuwalinda waandishi wa habari, kuheshimu uhuru wa uhariri, kurahisisha usajili, kuweka bodi inayojitegemea, kuondosha maneno ya ujumla kama “maslahi ya taifa” na kuruhusu Mahakama kuwa ndiyo muamuzi wa mwisho wa makosa, zitaweza kuwa ni kichocheo kikubwa cha mijadala na maendeleo makubwa ya nchi kiuchumi na kidemokrasia.
Hali hiyo itakwenda sambamba pia na ukuwaji wa elimu na teknolojia nchini ambapo sasa vijana wengi wanasomea masuala ya habari na pia kutumia teknolojia ya habari kupitia vyombo vya habari vya kawaida na mitandao ya kijamii.
Wajibu wa kulinda na kuheshimu haki za binadamu ni wa kila kundi ikiwemo jamii, serikali, vyombo vya habari na taasisi hivyo ni vyema kuweka sheria imara zitakazohakikisha kuwa haki hizo zinalindwa kila sehemu.
Haki za binadamu zinahusisha pamoja na haki ya kuishi, uhuru wa kujieleza, uhuru wa dini, haki ya kupata elimu, na haki ya kuwa na maisha bora na yenye hadhi na kinga dhidi ya ubaguzi na unyanyasaji. Tamko la Haki za Binadamu lilitangazwa rasmi mwaka 1948 mjini Paris, Ufaransa kwa lengo la kulinda na kuheshimu haki za msingi za kila mtu ikiwemo haki ya kujieleza.
Tarehe 10 Disemba 1948, Umoja wa Mataifa (UN) ulitangaza Azimio la Haki za Binadamu ambalo nchi zote zinapaswa kuzifata ili kuharakisha haki za kila binadamu katika nchi.
Dkt. Mzuri Issa
As the world concludes the 16 Days against Gender Violence campaign, culminating in the commemoration of human rights, the Tanzania Media Women’s Associations Zanzibar (TAMWA ZNZ) calls for the government, civil society organizations, and all stakeholders to promote freedom of information and access to information.
TAMWA-ZNZ joins the world in celebrating the 75th anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). This landmark document laids the foundation for our global human rights system as well as national laws and international treaties protecting and promoting human rights. Human rights transcend borders and cultures. They are inherent to every individual human being without distinction.
We observe Human Rights Day which carries a message – “Freedom, Equality, and Justice for All”, which gives another chance for nations to assess the level in which the freedom is exercised.
Thus, along with other things, freedom of expression has a special importance that will make society understand various issues facing society and actively participate in bringing solutions.
For a long time now, media practitioners in Zanzibar have been advocating for revised versions to unfriendly media laws, especially the Registration of News Agent, Newspapers and Books Act No. 5 of 1988 as amended by Act No. 7 of 1997 and The Zanzibar Broadcasting Commission Act No. 7 of 1997 with its amendment in 2010.
If the laws undergo appropriate amendments, encompassing protecting journalists, upholding editorial independence, streamlining registration processes, establishing an independent oversight board, eliminating vague terms like “national interest,” and empowering the courts to adjudicate errors, they can serve as a significant catalyst for constructive discussions and substantial advancements in the country, both economically and democratically.
The situation is concurrent with the increasing presence of education and technology in the country. A growing number of youths are actively engaging with information-related matters, simultaneously utilizing information technology through mainstream media and various social networks.
The responsibility to protect and respect human rights belongs to every group, including society, government, media, and institutions, so it is prudent to establish strong laws that will ensure that these rights are protected in every part.
Human rights include the right to life, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the right to education, and the right to have a good and dignified life and immunity from discrimination and violence.
The Declaration of Human Rights was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in Paris on 10 December 1948 and sets out, for the first time, fundamental human rights to be universally protected.
Dr. Mzuri Issa