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TAMWA is a national level Non-Governmental Organization known as Tanzania Media Women’s Association formed in 1987. TAMWA Zanzibar became fully self-governing and operational in both Isles of Unguja and Pemba since 2004. In January 2007, it attained its own separate registration.

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(TOR) Media Gap Analysis


Post Title: Consultant

Project Title: ZanzAdapt

Project Location: Zanzibar

Assignment period: 20/30 days

Post Date: 10th May, 2024

Deadline: 20th May 2024

Task Assigned: Media Gap Analysis: Women’s Equality and Leadership

Nature-Based Climate Adaptation.


Tanzania Media Women’s Association Zanzibar (TAMWA ZNZ) is a non-profit sharing organization registered in 2007 in Zanzibar. The registration number is 0000016523 as reviewed in 2019 under Zanzibar Business and Property Registration Agency (BPRA) Act No. 13 of 2012. TAMWA -Zanzibar operational in both Isles of Unguja and Pemba since 2004. TAMWA’s Mission is to advocate for women and children’s rights by conducting awareness raising activities for cultural, policy and legal changes in the society through the use of media.

Tanzania Media Women’s Association, Zanzibar (TAMWA ZNZ) in partnership with two NGOs namely Community Forests Pemba (CFP) and Community Forests International (Forests Intl.) implement the 2-year, Global Affairs Canada Funded ‘Zanzibar Women’s Leadership in Adaptation Project (ZanzAdapt)” Project. The project will improve gender equality and nature-based climate adaptation capacity in vulnerable coastal communities on Pemba and Unguja Islands, Zanzibar. Project outputs will primarily benefit women and their households and communities through regenerative livelihood actions that increase ecological, social, and economic resilience to climate change.

The Zanzibar Women’s Leadership in Adaptation Project (ZanzAdapt) will improve gender equality and nature-based climate adaptation capacity in vulnerable coastal communities on Pemba and Unguja Islands, Zanzibar. Project outputs will benefit women primarily as well as their households and communities through regenerative livelihood actions that increase ecological, social, and economic resilience to climate change. ZanzAdapt operates on the theory that if stakeholders are provided with positive reinforcement of women’s empowerment through media stories, expert gender justice training and a participatory framework they will directly advance gender equality outcomes. If rural women and youth are provided with climate-smart agroforestry assets, knowledge, and markets they will enjoy income opportunities & sustainable harvests that improve climate resilience while reducing pressure on nearby mangrove ecosystems. And that if women and coastal communities are provided with technical support in mangrove forest management alongside improved land rights, monitoring technology and associated conservation income opportunities they will lead nature-positive solutions for their communities.


The primary objective of the Media Gap Analysis is:

  1. To collect important baseline information to benchmark the quality and quantity of media content related to women’s equality and leadership in the environment, and nature-based climate adaptation.
  2. To analyze information gathered to identify gaps, biases, and barrier and
  3. To provide recommendations for improving qualitative and quantitative media coverage on issues related to gender equality, women’s representation in the media, and women’s leadership in nature-based climate adaptation in Zanzibar.

The Media Gap Analysis Specific Objectives:

  1. Provide a comprehensive analysis of how the media reports and promotes women and girls to assume leadership positions in the environment and nature-based climate adaptation backed by case studies and anecdotes.
  1. Analyze the language and framing used in media coverage to understand how it may reinforce or challenge gender norms and biases.
  1. Analyze how gender roles and stereotypes are depicted in media narratives and imagery, and assess their implications for gender equality in the key areas of leadership in the environment and nature-based climate adaptation.
  1. Assess the visibility and prominence of women’s voices, perspectives, and expertise in media content, including as sources and decision-makers.
  1. Determine the extent to which women’s knowledge & experience on leadership in the environment, and nature-based climate adaptation, is represented in the media compared to men.
  1. Compare and contrast media platforms to identify any unique, platform-based challenges or opportunities.
  1. Identify the specific media and platforms most consumed at the community level to better understand how to reach women, girls and duty-bearers in Unguja and Pemba.
  1. Identify key linkages between the media coverage of women and girls, and the attitudes and perceptions of project participants in target communities in Unguja and Pemba.
  1. Identify the most important gaps that if addressed, will greatly improve the representation of women and girls and the promotion of gender equality among key project beneficiaries, project staff, government, media organizations, and journalists to adopt gender-sensitive practices and policies to promote diversity and inclusion.
  1. Provide recommendations on preferred media platforms and types of content that are contextual sensitive to aid the project in promoting gender equality within targeted communities.
  1. Provide evidence-based insights to inform further project activities, media advocacy efforts, and interventions aimed at improving the quantity and quality of women’s representation in the media on issues of women’s equality and leadership in the environment, and nature-based climate adaptation.
  1. Expected Results

Expected results include a Media Gap Analysis report that analyses media representation related to women’s equality and leadership in the environment, as well as nature-based climate adaptation. The report will then identify gaps and provide clear recommendations for improving media coverage on issues pertaining to gender equality and women representation in the media and awareness of women’s leadership in the environment and nature-based climate adaptation specifically in Zanzibar.

  1. The scope of Survey

TAMWA Zanzibar is currently seeking skilled, committed and experienced individual to work as a consultant to provide technical, organizational and coordination support to conduct a Media Gap Analysis

  • Collect important baseline information to benchmark the quality and quantity of media content related to women’s equality and leadership in the environment, and nature-based climate adaptation
  • Analyze information gathered to identify gaps, biases, and barrier and
  • Provide recommendations for improving qualitative and quantitative media coverage on issues related to gender equality, women’s representation in the media, and women’s leadership in nature-based climate adaptation in Zanzibar. The Media Gap Analysis will analyse Stories produced for the last two months consecutively and will be analysed from three media organizations to provide the systematic trend of the reporting.

1.3. The Consultant will work under the following Terms of Reference (TOR):

  1. Prepare the inception report covering the methodology and framework of the analysis and present it for further discussion.
  2. Read and listen to stories regarding to gender equality, women’s representation in the media, and women’s leadership in nature-based climate adaptation in Zanzibar from the selected media outlets to understand the level of reporting.
  3. Assess the role played by journalists overall to gender equality, women’s representation in the media, and women’s leadership in nature-based climate adaptation in Zanzibar.
  4. Identify gaps to gender equality, women’s representation in the media, and women’s leadership in nature-based climate adaptation in Zanzibar reporting from stories written by Journalists based on the agreed criterions.
  5. Provide recommendation on how to improve reporting on gender equality, women’s representation in the media, and women’s leadership in nature-based climate adaptation in Zanzibar.
  6. Validate the analysis findings and share to the Stakeholders for further inputs and improvement of the report.


The consultant is required to complete the task within 20 days from 25th of May– 14th June, 2024.


  1. The consultant should be a graduate from the relevant fields such as media, gender, environment, agriculture, evaluation and policy analysis. .
  2. The candidate should have at least five years of experience in Monitoring and Evaluation particularly on gender, media, environment and social science.


  1. A comprehensive media audit report adequately addressing the strengths, gaps, lessons, alternatives and way forward of the stories written by journalists over the identified period.
  2. A power point presentation summarizing key findings and recommendations to the project management, partners and other stakeholders.

How to apply:

The interested bidder should use the following address.


TAMWA Zanzibar

P.O. Box 741

Behind SUZA next to IPA

The submission can be done electronically in PDF format and sent to: info@tamwaznz.org copied to ngalapi@tamwaznz.or.tz, tatu@tamwaznz.or.tz

N.B: The Consultant is also expected to submit the inception report with inclusion of C.V/ Profile, Evaluation methodologies which include data collection procedure and the proposed budget.

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A national level Non-Governmental Organization known as Tanzania Media Women’s Association formed in 1987.The registration number is 493 under Zanzibar Society Act No. 6 of 1995

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